Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cinnamon Scones!

I love scones. They are so delectable and awesome...someone should write a song about them. They just make waking up totally worth it : ). I like a variety of scone flavors, currant, cranberry white chocolate, blueberry, maple pecan, oh so many options...but in the end I always return to my cinnamon scones. When I first started making these I would use the cinnamon chips from Hershey. I really wanted a different and more rich cinnamon flavor so I searched around until I found a great alternative on the King Arthur website. They make their cinnamon goodness by mixing cinnamon with butter, brown sugar, and butterscotch chips. I ultimately want a cinnamon scone recipe that calls for no chips of any kind, but for now, this one is pretty darn awesome.

You can make your scones into any shape you want. Some people prefer triangles, some into perfect circles. I consider my scones to be more the plop and bake shape, each scone different from its sibling. I usually make these ahead of time, scoop them and then freeze, then pull them out of the freezer put them on a pan and bake. The key to a moist scone is to NOT OVER MIX! Be gentle with your dough and it will reward you with a perfect bite.

Cinnamon Scones

In large mixing bowl sift together:

6 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup plus 2 TBS granulated sugar
1 3/4 tsp salt
4 TBS baking powder

Cut butter into small dice sized pieces and mix in blender with dry ingredients until mixture resembles coarse meal. See picture above.

1 pound butter (4 sticks)

In small bowl whisk together and then add to butter/dry ingredients until just combined:

1 1/3 cups milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
3 eggs
1 1/2 tsp vanilla

In food processor or blender mix the following until smooth and paste like:

3/4 cup butterscotch chips
1/2 cup brown sugar
4 1/2 TBS butter
1 1/2 TBS cinnamon

Once smooth mix the cinnamon mixture into the scone batter just until swirled together. Do not over mix.

Bake in 350 degree oven for 15-20 minutes depending upon size of the scone.


1 comment:

  1. These are sooooo good! I also like, no make that "love", your bubble biscuits as well. They both have that crunch on the outside.
