Social media is being flooded right now with new hopes, dreams, resolutions, goals and different things to help start our new year off right. Another thing I keep seeing is people choosing a word of the year to help motivate and keep them on track. I was sitting in Mass the other night thinking about what word to choose and the choir began to sing "Silent Night", as always when I hear that song my heart was flooded with peace and calm. Can I choose two words this year? "Peace" and "Calm". I took a deep breath, yes, these are my words for 2019.

2018 was a year filled with many blessings, but also heartaches for me. Adjusting to life with 2 little ones proved a lot harder then I thought it would be. My body has been struggling since the birth of my second son, and physically I was at my lowest. My gallbladder attacks would hit out of nowhere and bring with them severe pain that would have me rolling on the ground in agony crying. When I wasn't having attacks I had the fear of having another attack looming over me asking "is this the day? Will I get one in Mass? Will I get one while walking down the aisle as a bridesmaid? Will I get one when I am alone with the kids, who will take care of them and me?" It has now been 10 weeks since my last attack and my body is feeling much stronger as it continues to heal. Praise the Lord!
Mentally, the last 2 years have been really hard on me. My original family has been broken apart by the pain that comes hand in hand with divorce. After 36 years of marriage my parents are now legally divorced. I know I am a grown woman, as are all of my siblings, but no matter how old you are divorce affects the children on some level. My dad lives 10 minutes away from us and we haven't seen or heard from him in over 18 months. He has not met my 1 year old. I have a history of not doing well with rejection, and to have your father reject your mother, your family, some of your siblings, your kids and me is a hard pill to swallow.
Peace. Calm.
This is what I want for myself and my family for 2019.
I have seen many people go through hardships and suffering in this life, and those that remain calm and at peace amidst the turmoil and storms are the ones that have such beauty and grace surrounding them as you can visibly see the hand of God at work in their lives. This is what I want. This is what I need to strive for. The storms will come no matter who you are, but if you have faith and trust in God you will not be overcome.
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
I know many of you have goals to be healthier in the New Year - here is a recipe that might help with that!
Back in October I did a yeast detox, which meant no sugar of any kind - even fruit! I have slowly let the sweets seep back into my life, but in a much healthier way. Yes, I indulged in pie at Thanksgiving, but it was Paleo and sweetened with maple syrup not refined sugar. Yes, I eat honey and maple syrup again on a daily basis, but in very small amounts. This recipe is a delicious cookie that satisfies my sweet tooth without making me feel like junk. My kiddos really like it too! Let me know if you try it out!
Healthy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
1/3 cup chocolate chips or raisins
2 TBSP melted coconut oil or butter, cooled for a few minutes before using
1/4 cup almond butter or peanut butter*
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In medium sized bowl combine the oats, almond meal, cinnamon, salt and chocolate chips. Mix well.
In medium saucepan melt the coconut oil. Allow to cool for a few minutes then add the almond butter maple syrup and vanilla and whisk
until combined. Add to the dry ingredients and stir well. Scoop out heaping tablespoons of dough and place on parchment lined cookie sheet. Dough can be a little loose, so sometimes I take the portioned out dough and roll them into balls before baking. Bake 8-10
minutes until slightly browned. I just store them in a ziploc or glass container on the counter - they usually don't last longer then a few days but have lasted up to 5 days for us.
*Use almond or peanut butter where the only ingredients listed are the nuts and maybe salt. No added sugar or oils.