
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Green Waffles (GF, DF, PALEO)

I am currently sick.  Yeck.  Having a cold in the summer just seems so wrong.  My house is a disaster zone since I am not up to cleaning, and my boys are out having a grand adventure at a park without me.  Boo.  When I have the house to myself I usually tackle some kind of project...but today I share this recipe with you.

My boys eat all day...and that is not an all times at least one of them is eating...or me!  I am constantly looking for new ideas for nutrient dense snacks that are not junk.  I have made this recipe a few times now, and they inhale it every time!  They eat it for breakfast/lunch/dinner or cold as a snack.  Next time I make them I plan on doubling the recipe and freezing some of them.

My sister introduced me to another food blogger's site and I have slowly been trying out a bunch of her recipes.  Her main goal is to "veggie load" as many of her recipes as possible.  The other day I made some chicken burger patties from her blog that had zucchini, broccoli and spinach in them - and my boys loved them!  So go check The Natural Nurturer when you get the chance!  I tried her recipe for these waffles and and liked the flavor but thought they were too dense and too thick, so second time around I added some milk and increased the pumpkin amount.  This yielded a much thinner batter and waffle which is what I was looking for.

Green Waffles
Adapted from the Natural Nurturer

1 cup single ingredient nut or seed butter (I use 1/2 almond butter and 1/2 sesame seed-tahini, not sugar added)
1 ripe banana
1/4 cup maple syrup or honey
3 eggs
1/2 cup milk or milk alternative (I use almond milk)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1-2 large handfuls of spinach
1/2 cup mashed sweet potato or pumpkin (I use canned pumpkin)
2 TBS ground chia or flax seeds
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon

Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.  Pour onto hot waffle griddle that is clean and has been greased.  If your waffle iron isn't clean the waffle will fall apart and get stuck to the griddle.  Cook until done.  Store uneaten waffles in the refrigerator.


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